Last January, I submitted an article to Bella Grace magazine. It wasn’t chosen for their upcoming issue, but they said they’d keep it on retainer for where it might fit in a future issue.
I shrugged my shoulders, a little disappointed, but didn’t think too much of it and then went on my way.
Then in the fall I got an email saying they wanted to post on article “16 Ways to Awaken Childlike Wonder” in their upcoming Book of Lists! It was a happy surprise. Just one of those reminders to keep sowing your writing seeds and you never know when they may sprout.
The world is full of wonder if we simple open ourselves to see it, but sometimes with the weight and burdens of daily life, we must not only open our eyes to see or tell our minds what we know is true, but we must also feel with our bodies—to taste on our tongues, to touch with our skin, to listen with all our senses—to awaken the childlike wonder in our spirits.
— Jess Lynn, “16 Ways to Awaken Childlike Wonder”
Catch fireflies. Whisper your wishes. Remember to release them.
Keep writing, wildflowers. Sow your seeds. Tend to wonder.